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According to Instituto Distrital de Gestión de Riesgos y Cambio Climático (Idiger), forest fires represent one of the most recurring risks threatening both anthropogenic and natural surroundings due to their impact on ecosystems, communities, and municipality development. This article presents the forest fire risk zone mapping for the municipality of Nilo, Cundinamarca, based on the methodology developed by Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (Ideam) in 2011 and the forest fire risk zone mapping of vegetation cover produced by Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca (CAR) for its jurisdiction in 2014. The evaluation of the threat and vulnerability components resulted in the mapping of scenarios and the total forest fire risk zoning. Finally, some recommendations are made for the prevention, mitigation and control of these events.

Author biographies

Astrid Liliana Arévalo Pérez
Ingeniera ambiental, Universidad Central. 
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Lina Fernanda Martínez Amado
Ingeniera ambiental, Universidad Central. 
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Leonardo Serrato Lozano
Ingeniero forestal. Docente del Departamento de Ingeniería Ambiental, Universidad Central. 
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Arévalo Pérez, A. L., Martínez Amado, L. F., & Serrato Lozano, L. (2020). Forest fire risk zoning in the municipality of Nilo, Cundinamarca. Ingeciencia, 3(2), 66–78. Retrieved from


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