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From the use of traditional and industrial fertilizer, and different solutions with sucrose sought to know and compare the differences in growth and development of Erythrina edulis Triana ex Micheli. Germination time between treatments did not present significant differences however seedlings with traditional fertilizer presented greater bearing in height and uniformity in the foliar area. Industrial treatment presented seedlings developed greater foliar area due to the amount of nitrogen available, but presented leaf anomalies probably due to soil acidification processes. It was determined that there is a correlation between final height and total leaf area, and for plants subjected to different sugar concentrations there was no statistically significant difference.

Astrid Marín Olarte, Universidad Central

Estudiante de Biología de la Universidad Central.

Jorge Armando Payares Lamprea, Universidad Central

Estudiante de Biología de la Universidad Central.

Vladimir Minorta Cely, Universidad Central

Profesor de la Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Básicas de la Universidad Central.

Yesid Mariño Macana, Universidad Central

Profesor de la Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Básicas de la Universidad Central.

Marín Olarte, A., Payares Lamprea, J. A., Minorta Cely, V., & Mariño Macana, Y. (2023). Effects of traditional, industrial fertilizers, and sucrose solutions on germination and development of Erythrina edulis. Ingeciencia, 6, 74–90. Retrieved from


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