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The purpose of this work is to create a relection regarding research in Social Sciences: topics, approaches and beliefs. The article presents a general overview about the need of observing and resignifying ourselves in our intentional, ideological, thematic and methodological work. It addresses the role of emotions, utopian and dystopian perspectives, the discourses of change which not only transform but also present threatening or hopeless messages. The article proposes new themes and, above all, renewed views, mainly as a result of relection and lexibility regarding research.

Anna María Fernández Poncela, Dra., Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Profesora e investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco, México. Doctora en Antropología. E-mail:

Fernández Poncela, A. M. (2018). What would Social Sciences be Without Misfortune?. Nómadas, (47), 257–268. Retrieved from


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