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This text proposes to characterize the historical and current approaches of the relationship between the Argentinean State (speciically the educational system) and the Bolivian population that resides in Argentina. Regarding the diferent forms of nationalism, the article identiies discourses and proposals for assimilation, integration, exclusion and new inclusion and interculturality rhetoric. Lastly, the article analyzes the revendications of the migrant groups by determining their capacity of resistance against the assimilation and uniformity models that are still in force in Argentinean education.

Gabriela Novaro, Dra., Universidad de Buenos Aires

Investigadora independiente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientíicas y Técnicas (Conicet); profesora de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Licenciada y Doctora en Antropología. E-mail:

Novaro, G. (2018). Bolivian migration, civilizing discourses and educational experiences in Argentina. Nómadas, (45), 105–121. Retrieved from


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