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he article begins by establishing that the criteria for publication in Human Sciences depends on an academy linked to techno-scientiic devices. hus, the technology of development deines the university professor as an entrepreneur who capitalizes themselves and their company through the publication of articles, from a competitive perspective. he article concludes that the narrative emerges as one of the possible discursive forms of resistance in this operation from which the produced texts cease to be constituted as artifacts of data and acquire the condition of living bodies, permeated by an ethics of existence.

María Nancy Ortiz Naranjo, Dra., Universidad de Antioquia

Profesora de tiempo completo de la Facultad de Educación, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín (Colombia). Doctora en Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Magíster en Educación, Licenciada en Español y Literatura. E-mail:

Ortiz Naranjo, M. N. (2018). For an Ethics of Existence in the Writing Production of an University Professor. Nómadas, (47), 245–255. Retrieved from


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