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The purpose of this article is to relect on the place of utopia in the life and work of the Spanish scholar Clemente Airó, exiled as a result of the Spanish Civil War, and founder of the magazine and publishing house Espiral in which he published new voices of Colombian literature such as Manuel Zapata Olivella and Arnoldo Palacios. The text is focused on the Espiral journal and a section of the exile category examines a spectral place where history stops and bifurcates in an uncertain way. The article concludes that the exile is a threshold igure of existence, in undergoing process, in a radical sense, that can eventually lead the defeated individual towards the creation of new utopias.

Alberto Bejarano, Dr., Instituto Caro y Cuervo

Investigador en literatura comparada en el Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá (Colombia). Doctor en Filosofía y Estética de la Universidad París 8. E-mail:

Bejarano, A. (2018). Utopia in the Bogota magazine Espiral (1944-1975) by Clemente Airó. Nómadas, (47), 97–106. Retrieved from


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