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This article analyzes the spectral nature of hunger as an uncontainable remnant of social conflict that cannot be attributed to the liberal order or appeased by the repressive system of the State. Choosing who eats and who does not is inherent to politics, a sacrificial occurrence that does not end in the world governed by the market. Derrida invites us to set aside the desired innocence and acknowledge our responsibility for the hunger of another, in order to make way for the “democracy to come,” a democracy that dreams of sacrificing sacrifice.

Sebastián Chun, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Becario Posdoctoral del Conicet, Instituto de Filosofía de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Doctor en Filosofía. E-mail:

Chun, S. (2018). The hunger that besieges the capital: the deconstruction as a criticism of liberalism. Nómadas, (48), 181–193.


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