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The article supports the need for higher education to re-examine itself and redirect its critical direction of recognizing the work of women in the construction of knowledge, as well as the strengthening of the democratic culture. The text is based on a review of secondary sources, and the relection on standards, policies and projects that beneit gender justice in tertiary education. The article argues that higher education should be in line with modern times and should also establish policies towards the achievement of gender equality and social inclusion within its own practices.

Lya Yaneth Fuentes Vásquez, Universidad Central

Docente investigadora del Iesco-Universidad Central, Bogotá (Colombia). Socióloga y Magíster en Estudios de Género, Mujer y Desarrollo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. E-mail:

Fuentes Vásquez, L. Y. (2018). Why are gender equality policies required in higher education?. Nómadas, (44), 65–83. Retrieved from


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